Undescended Testes

Undescended Testes Procedure, Sydney

Most testes are easy to see and feel after a boy is born. If a testis is not descended at birth, it will be in a normal position by around three months of age if it is going to come down spontaneously. If this hasn’t happened, then surgery to bring it down is usually best carried out between six and twelve months of age.

It is not unusual for toddler males to have ‘difficult to locate’ testes. In most cases they turn out to be retractile (which is normal) and no operative intervention is needed.

It can be difficult to determine that the testis is retractile rather than undescended, and given the desirability of ensuring both testis are in the scrotum by a year of age, your family doctor may recommend review by a paediatric surgeon to ensure that everything is okay.

Less commonly the testis can be observed over a period of years to be sitting progressively higher in the scrotum (the acquired undescended testis or ascending testis), for boys in this situation surgery often occurs at around five or six years of age.

Correction of improperly positioned testes is usually a day surgical procedure. Less commonly, if the testis is within the abdomen, two procedures may be required to maximise the likelihood of a successful relocation.

Dr Russell and Dr Dilley can discuss with you the association of undescended testes and the issues of infertility and testicular cancer.

Testicular self-examination, recommended for all boys after puberty, is the main surveillance recommended.

Make an appointment at Sydney Children’s Surgery to see Dr Anthony Dilley in Gymea or Randwick, or Dr Carolyn Russell in Gymea, Randwick, Liverpool or Oran Park.

Please call 02-9540 4409 to speak with our helpful reception staff, or complete our online contact form.